Sunday, July 14, 2013


My department's Director said that I'll be promoted to Acting Manager at the end of this month. The catch? My salary won't change, because – and I quote – my "salary is already very close to a manager's starting salary" and technically I'm only going to be an 'Acting' Manager – i.e. in training. I thought I'd been training this past year for it. I guess I haven't been trained enough.

When my promotion was proposed to our CEO, her response was, "Can Q manage the company in Senior Management's absence?" That's the standard they're looking for, and that’s the level I need to reach, apparently.

Alright, fair enough. I also need to work on my assertiveness, leadership skills (also assertiveness related), and time management. All good points. At the end of the year we'll see how far I've progressed and they'll move me up to Manager, and with it comes the salary raise.

The thing is, they also want me to get my university degree. So I mentioned the proposal I'm working on to suggest they "partially" (I wimped out at the last second and threw in that word) sponsor my education. They want me to send them the proposal. Which means that I have to finish it soon. Umph.

On a separate note, I think I've caught my flat mate's cold. If it's not that, then I've caught whatever she's been spraying me with these past two days. Taking her to see vet tonight.   

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