Monday, July 8, 2013


One of the things I regret is dropping out of university. I hate saying it, "dropping out", like I'm a failure, but that's what happened. I enrolled for two years, got great marks that first one, failed most of the second one, and then it got so bad that my parents said it straight to my face: If you hate it so much, just leave.

I think that was the first time they'd seen me cry since I was a kid.

But that's not what this post is about. Like I said, I'd always regretted not getting my undergraduate degree. So now I'm seriously considering asking my company to sponsor my higher education. I've found an excellent university in the US that offers a fantastic online undergraduate degree in my line of work. The catch is it's pretty expensive. Almost double what regular universities cost here. I'm a bit intimidated to bring it up to my senior management. Are they going to think I'm insane for even mentioning it? USD 38,400 for the whole degree without counting the cost of books, increasing annual tuition fees and whatever hidden costs there are.

And if they agree to do it, will that make me their slave for life? I don't want to be shackled to a company for the next 5+ years, no matter how great they are. I like having options, even if I never pursue them.

I'm going to sit with my manager tomorrow and see what she thinks. Fucking money.

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