Friday, July 12, 2013


I hate my clothes. Aside from a couple of items, everything just doesn't feel right. My jeans are too big (I can't figure out if I've lost that much weight or they've just widened out like jeans sometimes do), my shirts wrinkle too easily and some are a bit too large, and my tops are either too open, short or old. Don’t get me started on my five pairs of sad, ancient, cheap shoes.

I need to go shopping, but I hhhhate shopping. Which explains the state of my wardrobe. Shopping depresses me, my cellulite depresses me, having to wax depresses me. I wish I were a guy. Guys have great things on their side of the clothes and shoe shops. They could also get away with not shaving as long as they keep neat and clean.

Wishful thinking aside, I need to go shopping today, because there's a massive sale in all malls and I'm broke as fuck despite my new cheque from that training gig I did a while back. Most of that cash is going to cover my car insurance and license renewal due on the 20th.

The only highlight to my day is that I'm going to pick up my still fungus covered street cat. It probably needs more time at the vet's, but again, I can't afford the board rate for much longer. Hopefully I won't catch anything.    

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