Thursday, July 11, 2013


That roach did me in. I couldn't sleep the other night after seeing (and killing) it. Kept waking up to check if its brethren had found their way in. I'd dream that I'd seen one crawling up the wall and I'd instantly wake up to check. Not find anything, I'd close my eyes and dream about seeing another one waiting in the corner. Repeat process.

The night after, I slept at my parents'. I'm a wimp, I know.

But I'm back tonight. Sprayed the entire outside perimeter of my apartment. Killed innocent outdoor critters in the process, sad but unavoidable collateral damage. The dangers of living on the ground floor with shrubbery, trees and an empty grassland next to my building. I'm feeling itchy again, must stop thinking about roaches. And I'd thought the spiders were bad.    

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