Monday, August 5, 2013


A few weeks ago a couple of friends and I went off on a road trip to check some of the world's oldest mosaics. We ended up on a hill overlooking the beach, stuffing our faces with pastries, comparing memories, and staring at an impossibly full night sky. The museum we'd been heading to was closed. The only thing keeping us company aside from the stars were two security gaurds sitting in the distance and probably wondering what the fuck we were doing parked in the middle of no where.

It was great.

Those two friends will be leaving the country soon. Having trouble finding jobs. And it sucks because I don't often meet people that I enjoy hanging out with. So now I make the most of my time with them, help them polish their CVs, lend an ear when they need to rant and consult, and count down the days until they become 'internet buddies'.

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