Saturday, June 29, 2013


How long should it take a single person to paint a small room and a short hallway? 

A week, in my case. 

After over seven days of paint-induced headaches and sore muscles, I'm down to the living room and hallway ceilings. The Nightmare stage. Forget the fact that I generally take too much time to finish anything that falls under the category of 'manual labor', having to double coat AND get an even layer when my arms are cramping AND fix messes AND clean after myself after every session is just… eh.

Feeling slightly put on and embarrassed by everyone's impatience with my apparent ineptitude, I decided that I'd finish everything today. I was making good progress until I ran out of ceiling paint, so instead of giving in to my initial urge of leaving it for another day and playing PC games, I actually dragged myself to the hardware store to mix another batch and buy a few brushes. But then the paint mixer told me that the color I needed couldn't be prepared today because one of the ingredients is missing, and that I should come back tomorrow. Fair enough. But as I was leaving (after I'd paid for the other paint color and brushes), I realized that he'd given me a 1 kilo box of the color that I just needed 1 liter of. I blame the paint fumes for my slow observation.

So now I'm stuck with too much dark green and no light green to finish the job. Trying to make the best of the situation, I painted my hallway dark green… out of the old box that still hasn't emptied out.

What am I going to do with all this paint?

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